Blog entries and aromatherapy topics including links for further reading

The link between rosemary and memory

Rosemary has been known as a "memory herb" since ancient times. Scholars would often wear rosemary wreaths while studying for exams. This reputation has persisted over the centuries, with rosemary used in traditional medicine to treat various cognitive issues. Research shows that essential rosemary oil can help with cognitive performance and memory in older adults, especially perimenopausal women.

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Interview, Scent Memory Yasmine ElGhamrawy Interview, Scent Memory Yasmine ElGhamrawy

Scent Tattoo

Stories are memories and smell evokes our most emotional memories. I had the pleasure of talking with Frauke and sharing my scent memories with her. One story that stood out was inspired by my grandmother Aida in our family farm in BeniSuief south of Egypt. It was such a great memory to relive and brought out a lot of emotions when I was recalling it.

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